Session vs Cache in Rails

Sessions and Cache Battle for Your App’s Heart!

Tushar Adhao
4 min readSep 4, 2024

Welcome to the thrilling world of Rails data management! In this blog, we’re diving into the exciting showdown between Sessions and Cache. Imagine Sessions as your app’s trusty sidekick, keeping track of user details between requests, while Cache swoops in to make your app faster by holding onto frequently used data. Ready to see how each plays a crucial role and how they affect your browser? Let’s dive in!

Session: Your App’s Memory Keeper

The session in Rails is like a personal assistant who remembers what a user is up to. Think of it as keeping track of your shopping cart, login status, or any user-specific preferences as they navigate through your app.

  • Sessions store data about the user between HTTP requests, such as authentication details or shopping cart contents
  • Rails typically uses cookies to store session data. When you log in, your user ID might be saved in a cookie for easy retrieval on subsequent requests
# Set session data
session[:user_id] =

# Retrieve session data
@current_user = User.find(session[:user_id])
  • Session data is stored in cookies, which are sent with every request. This helps the server remember who you are, but be mindful of the 4KB limit on cookie size. Cookies should be secured with flags like HttpOnly and Secure to protect user data

Note: Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client side, in the user’s browser, and sent with every HTTP request. Sessions, in contrast, store data on the server side and only send a session identifier to the client.

  • Rails offers various session storage options to fit different needs. You can use the default Cookie Store for simple setups, Memory Store for in-memory storage during development, ActiveRecord Store for persistence across server restarts, or Cache Store for high-performance applications. Each type has its own trade-offs related to security, scalability, and lifespan, allowing you to choose the best fit for your application’s requirements
  • Sessions are typically short-lived and expire when the user closes their browser or after a specified period of inactivity. This ensures that sensitive data is not stored longer than necessary

When to Use Sessions:

  • Storing user-specific information
  • Tracking user login status
  • Managing temporary user preferences
Alright, Cache, it’s your time to shine — let’s see what you’ve got!

Cache: The Fast Lane for Frequently Used Data

Cache is like a super-efficient librarian who quickly fetches the books you often read, rather than making you dig through the stacks every time. It temporarily stores copies of frequently accessed data to speed up your app and reduce server load.

  • Caching stores data that’s expensive to generate or retrieve, like database query results or rendered views
  • Rails supports various cache stores, including MemoryStore, FileStore, and Redis (more of it is explained here in detail)
# Caching a piece of data
Rails.cache.write('popular_articles', @articles)

# Reading from cache
@cached_articles ='popular_articles')
  • Cached data doesn’t affect the browser directly but can lead to faster page loads since the server delivers pre-stored information
  • HTTP caching headers manage how long the browser should keep certain data before requesting new info
  • Cached data can be kept for a longer time, depending on your cache configuration. This could range from a few minutes to several hours or even days. This helps in reducing server load and speeding up response times but may lead to stale data if not managed properly

When to Use Caching:

  • Storing results of complex queries
  • Caching entire views or partials
  • Improving response times for frequently accessed data


And there you have it — the scoop on Sessions and Cache in Rails! These two data management tools each play a crucial role in ensuring your app is both user-friendly and high-performance. Sessions offer a personalized experience by keeping track of user state, while caching speeds things up by storing frequently accessed data. By understanding and leveraging both, you can enhance your Rails app’s functionality and responsiveness. Here’s to a seamless and speedy user experience!

May your sessions be swift and your caches always optimized!



Tushar Adhao
Tushar Adhao

Written by Tushar Adhao

Software artist spreading nuggets of coding gold and sometimes philosophy too.

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